Monday, 5 May 2014

Abraham, “The Father/Man of Faith”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 22:37
Abraham offered Isaac to God:
Genesis 22: 1-19
We all know that in the Bible, God created a man whose faith was created to Him. Abraham called by God for His righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ who believe. Abraham was one hundred years of age and Sarah was ninety years old. Yet, God promise through His words that Sarah becomes pregnant even if she already in menopause. But God promise that Abraham’s offspring's were many as the stars in the sky. Abraham holds that faith, even Sarah laugh when she heard that she bore a child in short, she is doubtful. But Abraham was not affected when his wife Sarah laughs for her unbelief’s. But Sarah did not wait what God’s promise. She tell Abraham that we can’t wait we are old already, that’s why we can have a baby through my helper Hagar. So, later Ishmael came. Abraham was glad that he has already had a son. But that is not a promise of God. When Sarah is already pregnant, that is God’s promise for them.

When Isaac came there is already a rivalry. That’s why Sarah sent out Hagar to the desert. When Isaac was already seven, God called Abraham in His dream to offer his son as a sacrifice in Mount Moriah. God tested Abraham. For his own son to offer a sacrifice but Abraham did not hesitate to obey, because he knew that God will grant Him another son,
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Sunday, 27 April 2014

For God Is Love-“1 John 4:8”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 23:04
The Good Samaritan:

The greatest loves of God knocks us in our heart, his voices speed up and impulses through all our body and call us to follow him and love him with all his heart and with all our soul. Love God means loves our neighbor, our family and our nations. To love God is to love our life our soul, God call us in His paradise home(1 JOHN 4:8 He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love)

All of us know God at all; Jesus Christ is our God the redeemer of our sin. Because of His great love to the God’s people He died of the cross. We believe that God will back soon just like a thief that everyone of us cannot notice and that of His second coming. All the signs are vivid and clear that where living in the last days. Everyone of us even child know God, but other of our brethren know only God. But a sign of loving God of their lives is nothing envy of their heart as we love our neighbor.

We know and heard around us, war of the country versus other country. People will suffer more inevitable. There is no love if we mind it and people of God will suffer of loose and lives. The command of God to Love our neighbor is nothing if it will happen. If we thought thoroughly, and thinkable not unthinkable that this is a command of God to love our brethren. Because we are all son of God (MARK 12:30-31) and we are all brothers and sisters of the family of God.
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0 comments Posted by Unknown at 22:50
Holy Bible
The Good News Of Us "Holy Bible"

We believe that the bible is the Word of God, perfect, with no mistakes; that God told certain men thousands of years ago what to write in it; that it is there to help us and to show everybody Jesus- the Son of God, the Savior of mankind; that it tells people how to live and be saved.”

We believe that the Word of God is forever and ever, nothing happen on this world without the Gods mighty and His Words written on the Bible even this world will vanish but the Word of God remain everlasting in every mankind born in all centuries. Precisely all written in the Bible as Word of God told us with no mistakes, perfect and never told mistakes. But mankind the people of God misleading it and become unthoughtful beyond dishonesty to his faith and abandoned Jesus Christ Words unveiling the salvation in every mankind. Nothing owes to take, but living this world without the Word of God, it’s just a morning star without its fashion. And lives become no meaning in this world and the evilness much dwelling in every heart of God’s people. The Words of the Bible that dwelt in our heart, guide and teach us in everlasting life that we oath to live with the presence of our Holy Father and That Jesus Christ.
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Jesus Christ Died In The Day Of Passover, Why?

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 10:41
Jesus Christ same As Lamp
Jesus Christ Is The Lamp:

The celebration of the faith of holy week has been started this evening. Many of the faithful followers of God start the church activities and one of that is the prayer and fasting for the Christians. And the catholic churches prepare for the holy masses of the last word of Jesus Christ when He is in the cross before he died. The reminiscence of Jesus Christ died of the cross because of our sin. God himselves gave his beloved son to set free from the sin of the world. And we the people had sin to our God. And God the father forgive us from the sin of the world and that Jesus Christ who forgive us.

And that looking back, there is no repentance as we notice of this world of new generation. Although many son of God and the people himself belief the word of God. Faithfulness is the foundation of all but many of us have no repentance and always soak his life from the sin of this world. Neglecting the presence of God and always raise upon his life of the things that we have now. That lighted up in our way that causes our sin. But upon the knowledge, wisdom, and the teaching of God never exist and we do always nothing happen.
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The Significant Message Of All Time “107312”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 10:26
Double Bladed Sword Of The Holy
Spirit That Will Guard Us: 
“To foretell visions in the coming days, years, and the entire generations, is such a letter sealed inside an empty bottle that thrown in the middle of a depth seas, until we pass away and the next generations will tells the truth that God give wonder in heaven and Earth”

The numbers you see on the top or the title of this post is so confuse to all, especially this numbers is seldom you see that we don’t always encounter in our daily lives. I hope in the day that you will read this post, your heart and mind is open to receive this and accept the day that we exist in this generation and the day the Lord reign. Don’t be afraid for tomorrows came, next year, we’re lucky that we receive this message and heartily you accept that we’re the peoples of God.

I decided to publish this, because I noticed that this is a signs that I received through dreams. Even I knew that it will creates confusions and to my personality. But this is truth, this is not my own message, I’m only the deliverer of this message that relates to the dates and the pages foretold by the other writers through the Holy Bible. And the pages of the websites that telling the pass events of the Jerusalem and Israel and the numbers describes of the United Nations Resolution number and the websites of the Internet that talk about the Lunar and solar eclipse next year on the Holy Day of the celebration of Passover and Sukkot of Israel. This is the future of the Israel, the place that the Lord Jesus Christ was born.
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Saturday, 26 April 2014

"Living By Faith"- 2 Corinthians 5:7

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 07:11
worship by faith
The Holy Scriptures define faith as follows: “now, faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Therefore, people are confident and certain that what they hope for, although unseen, it is this faith in God’s eternal promises that pushes people forward amid uncertainties. It is what binds them together in spite of their diverse races and cultures. It inspires people people to upload their sacred calling and elections amid sufferings in order to receive the rich rewards that God promises; thus, one of the commandments in order to safeguard salvation is: you shall not lose faith.

The sure word of prophecy recorded in the bible is the foundation of our faith. And if you have full confidence in God and his promises. This is enough to sustain and remain even in the darkest of the moment. However, because of faith in God people triumphed over tremendous odds: endured ridicule and harassment; they never give up. As other says “Fought the good fight, finish the race and kept the faith.”

Indeed, we must live by faith, just like God’s servants of God who also proved the effectiveness and power of faith. Faith also reminds us to give outmost importance to congressional service where we can find God and commune with Him. Who will know, next month or next year. You will suffer problems and trials that will challenge your faith. We must put our trust in God. God says, “I will save those who love me and will protect those who know me as a Lord. When they call to me, I will answer them. When they are in trouble, I will be with them. I will rescue them. I will reward them with long life: I will save them.
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Tuesday, 22 April 2014


0 comments Posted by Unknown at 14:55
Christ: The Pattern Prophet
One of the ministries that mention by the book of Ephesians 4:11-13 is the Prophet. The second of the five- fold ministries being mention by Paul to the Ephesians. This ministry is very necessary to bring a church into maturity as a body of Jesus Christ.Even though some of the churches today have not matured beyond certain stage of growth. Because they recognize only two or three of the five ministries, the Evangelist and Pastors and sometimes the teachers. But this is not a position or a hierarchy of a position.But the ultimate goal, aim or purpose of all ministries is not for self glory, or to magnify a human in any way. But to place, to position, and functioning to edify and buildup the Body of Jesus Christ.
But the ministry of the prophet is not well understood by the church today.Prophets has a very special place,functions, and purpose of the Body of Christ. It needs our attention or it needs us to receive. The Prophet is the one who strongly spoke for God in a very intellectual way, by spiritual way or spoke the very words of God. The priest came to God in behaft of the people. But the prophets came along in a certain place or this world in the haft of God.Numbers 12:6 (KJV), He said,“Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you,I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision;I speak to him in a dream.”
The Prophets itself has at least three levels of prophecy being told by the Holy Bible. Each of this levels has a very special place and purpose to maintain the purpose of its ministry.
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Sunday, 30 March 2014


0 comments Posted by Unknown at 06:21
The Preacher
The Preacher Of the Holy Bible:
“For Church planting, we need worker for the harvest field.”- Rev. Luzviminda P. Maurillo- EFG- Bible College Directress

It is essential that a preacher should be well acquainted with the book from which he preaches. In order to teach mathematics, one must know mathematics. What would you think of a “music teacher” who did not know English? He who called to preach the Bible, is also called to study the Bible, for there cannot be one without the other: the first necessitates the last. Like David, each preacher should be able to testify: “Oh, how love I Thy Law!” (Ps. 119:97).

The preacher should be acquainted with the Bible as a whole, and this can only be accomplished by reading the Bible from cover to cover. The entire Bible can be read in fifty-four hours, reading three chapters of the Old Testament in the morning, and two chapters of the new Testament each night, the Old Testament can be read once a year, and the New Testament twice a year. Surely this is not too big a price to pay for a working knowledge of this book of books.
“There is no royal or easy road to acknowledge. It comes through persistent and painstaking study. Someone has said that “Study consist of the application of the seat of the chair, until such time as the subject has been mastered!” It is the maintenance of this point of contact that calls for earnest and self denying determination.
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Monday, 24 March 2014

“The Fruit Of The Holy Spirit” Galatians 5: 22-23John 14:15-31

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 08:27

John 14:15-31

Faith is the most fundamental full aspects  as being Christian, and believing it deeply even it is not seen in a boldness of our eye sight. Without this faith we could not leave and no other things of this world could not ever exist. We believe the creation of this world that God made this things surround us and we believe that God made in His own image, Genesis 1: 27. And we believe that Jesus Christ is our savior, Jude 1:25. All of us have an individual gift from God even in our different authority and ministries. With different principles of faith and religion. But remember with those that gift that we have, without love these are very useless in the eyes of the Lord. We walked through the eyes and steps of the Lord Jesus Christ. The name of the savior through of His Love, our salvation brought us by sacrifice of His own son. Because of Love through out of His own people and His children. Everyone of us receive the fruit of Holy Spirit, if you don’t feel it, just live it in your own temple. Our body is the Holy Temple of our Holy Spirit. Corinthians 6:19-20. The Galatians 5:22-23 said“But the fruit of the Holy Spirit is Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Against such things there is no law.Matthew 5-7 beatitudes and John 15:1-17 the vine and the branches. Everything is because of our relationship to the vine.
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Thursday, 20 March 2014


0 comments Posted by Unknown at 10:06
Jesus Give An Example
What does make an excuse mean?

To make an excuse basically means to offer or think of a reason for some form of failure, For example, failure to complete your homework, failure to turn up on time, failure to attend special occasion or appointments
1. Excuse of Property: (Luke 14: 18)
“The first said, I have just bought a field, and I must go and see it, Please excuse me”  A.We live in a materialistic age, The love of possessions has captured the hearts of millions B.We must keep our possessions in the right perspective  C.We should not use possessions as an excuse for being less than our best for GOD ( Matthew 6:33)
2. Excuse of Pursuit: (Luke 14: 19)
Pursuit means – “an activity that one engages in as a vocation, profession, work or occupation”]
“ And another said, I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out, Please excuse me”  A.These are busy times, We have more time 4 gadgets B.Christians should not be overtaken with the hurry, scurry of these busy days *don’t make your life complicated* C.We must make time for God and give Him first place in our lives
3. Excuse of Person: (Luke 14: 20)
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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

“8 Redemptive Names Of God”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 11:00

“JEHOVAH” – God’s one personal name (Exo. 3:14-15)14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.
- refers to God’s relationship to man
- He is our Lord.

1. JEHOVAH-JIREH “The Lord our Provider” (Genesis 22:14)14 So Abraham called that place ‘The Lord will provide’;[a] as it is said to this day, ‘On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.’[b]

a. Genesis 22:14 Or will see; Heb traditionally transliterated Jehovah Jireh
b. Genesis 22:14 Or he shall be seen
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Saturday, 15 March 2014

“The Holiness of the Word of God in the Bible”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 02:25
The Holy Bible is a light of us
 "We believe that the bible is the Word of God, perfect, with no mistakes; that God told certain men thousands of years ago what to write in it; that it is there to help us and to show everybody Jesus- the Son of God, the Savior of mankind; that it tells people how to live and be saved.”

We believe that the Word of God is forever and ever, nothing happen on this world without the Gods mighty and His Words written on the Bible even this world will vanish but the Word of God remain everlasting in every mankind born in all centuries. Precisely all written in the Bible as Word of God told us with no mistakes, perfect and never told mistakes. But mankind the people of God misleading it and become unthoughtful beyond dishonesty to his faith and abandoned Jesus Christ Words unveiling the salvation in every mankind. Nothing owes to take, but living this world without the Word of God, it’s just a morning star without its fashion. And lives become no meaning in this world and the evilness much dwelling in every heart of God’s people. The Words of the Bible that dwelt in our heart, guide and teach us in everlasting life that we oath to live with the presence of our Holy Father and That Jesus Christ.
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“The Great Commission”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 02:09
Jesus our God Commission us
Then Jesus came to them and said,“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…”

Jesus spoke with all authority when He commission His disciples to continue the task in spreading the Good News of salvation to all nations.The scope is so enormous and difficult mainly because of their small number but with diligence and passion,they all obeyed amidst the persecution.

As they receive the promised anointing of the Holy Spirit,they all spoke with boldness and many people were saved.Just imagine the perimeter of their influence but the Power of God’s Word changes lives and the effect was overwhelming that even Paul,the great persecutor of Christians was transformed by God Himself and became the great evangelist who selflessly risked his life in spreading the gospel to all people.

Those were centuries ago,they all have died and went with the lord but the message continues to touch generations.The obedient men and women grasped the seriousness of God’s great commission and went their way to the different parts of the world which eventually reach you and me.
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Friday, 14 March 2014

POST – MALAYAN CALENDAR: “The Doorstep To Scripture’s Revelation”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 13:27
The Book of Revelation
Natural Disaster Phenomena- An earth’s wash up or a soul’s sign up…” –
Fabian C. Badiang
Astronomers and natural scientists predicted calamities through trendsetting and site eventual recurrence. Prophets and worshipers prophesized consequences as God’s will.

Global Warming and Climate change entailed traumatic scenarios and nightmare amid the struggling life of every Filipino to work hard for starvation, and remained in a parlance to socio-economic recovery. Environmental degradation became a product of human error on over- exploitation to nature. As multiplier effects – heat waves, storms, flashfloods, earthquakes, droughts and fire have triggered serious and direct impacts to health and human lives.
The increase in mortality rate and morbidity due to water-borne diseases, air pollution, respiratory and cardio- vascular illness that resulted to death became a trending feature as per World Health Organization (WHO) SURVEY.
Environmentalist, medical technologies, and health practitioners exerted joint innovative efforts that tend to mitigate the tremendous and indispensable effects and promote adaptive measures that would directly address the development process towards the enhancement of ecology as a renewed niche for the future generation in a real sustainable manner.
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The God’s Love Us

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 13:09

Jesus Teach Us About Love
The greatest loves of God knocks us in our heart, his voices speed up and impulses through all our body and call us to follow him and love him with all his heart and with all our soul. Love God means loves our neighbor, our family and our nations. To love God is to love our life our soul, God call us in His paradise home He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love)

All of us know God at all; Jesus Christ is our God the redeemer of our sin. Because of His great love to the God’s people He died of the cross. We believe that God will back soon just like a thief that everyone of us cannot notice and that of His second coming. All the signs are vivid and clear that where living in the last days. Everyone of us even child know God, but other of our brethren know only God. But a sign of loving God of their lives is nothing envy of their heart as we love our neighbor.

We know and heard around us, war of the country versus other country. People will suffer more inevitable. There is no love if we mind it and people of God will suffer of loose and lives. The command of God to Love our neighbor is nothing if it will happen. If we thought thoroughly, and thinkable not unthinkable that this is a command of God to love our brethren. Because we are all son of God (MARK 12:30-31) and we are all brothers and sisters of the family of God. This is the weighable command that intensely etch, faith, hope, love, but the greatest denomination of this is Love. First Corinthians 13: 13 says, “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is Love”. Because, If there is love of everyone of us, there’s always hope and faith, and if there always hope, everyone of us will stand for faith that God bless us with peace in our entire family and in the whole world, 1 John 5: 3 says, “For this is Love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome”.

And yet Love is always in the heart of God, servant of God and that we claim as son of God. And never feel heavy loads and keep the commandments of the Holy Father and keep always the command Love. And that’s precisely bearing fruits of love, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-6, says “Love suffers long and is kind; Love does not envy; Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; Does not behave rudely, does not seek his own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth”. And that’s bearing fruits if Love within our heart and desired every one of us and in our whole life. Because Love will change us entirely if we Love Jesus Christ our Holy Father.

Let us ask our Holy Father to help us always that our life and heart filled always the word of God. And that Loves is always within us from the heart of Jesus. Because Love from our Holy Father there is nothing to fade compare the Love of worldly thing that would vanish of time. Because of love of the material world, Satan always whispering in our heart that other of our brethren they simply kill his brethren because of position and all lust. We are bound to abide the command even we have a strong faith but our heart is empty of the Love of God is nothing points of the eyes of God.

We are bound to follow this Gods command. And I know we are in the world of sinners and also we possibly bound in it because of our wickedness. Material things of this world surround us and nothing is perfected and nobody is perfect only God. But of this world we soaked to this but changes bound always and we must prepare and ready to receive the full transformation. God has always purpose everyone of us, if you’re loitered think you must stand up and bring yourself in the midst of the Love of God. God’s Love is perfect and everyone of us is the perfect target.
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Monday, 10 March 2014


0 comments Posted by Unknown at 12:11
Genesis 1:27. As son of God, one of our rights is to ask our Holy Father what we need, because where needy at all times in this earth as we live with the presence of our Holy Father. Like our earthly father, we’re such a childlike to ask what we need, such as a special attention and love. The moment we ask we need to ask this clearly and faithfully before any our hope that we will answered. Honest to our deeds and clearly doing this with obedience and clean infront of our Holy Father.
Every individual or human being has a unique principles and pattern of prayer. I concluded “every individual because where all son of God, where are created like His own image,
The preceding line below will help us and guide us How to pray clearly and our words is clear and honest to our Heavenly Father:

  1. BECOME SILENT- Mateo 6:6 this is not mean locking ourselves inside our bedrooms or sent ourselves in the middle of the wilderness. But its upon us, it said that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, we can pray always. But the valuable prayer is includes our mind. Get free of destructions so you can focus. Meditate and listen the whisper of the Holy Spirit and ask to help yourselves with your prayer and get your mind, and body in the unity of the Holy Father Psa 46:10.
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Friday, 7 March 2014


0 comments Posted by Unknown at 15:43

EFFECTIVE means- producing results, especially the desired or intended results. PRODUCTIVE means- producing something or able to produced something.
Every hired employee of a certain job or work in the company are expected and required to be EFFECTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE.

a. To those who through the righteousness of our God and savior Jesus Christ have received a faith. V. 2 b. Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God of Jesus our Lord. V.2 c. He has called us by His own glory and goodness. V.3

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0 comments Posted by Unknown at 15:39
Are you sure you are God’s Child?
If you are God’s child, HE has made it clear to us (Mortal man) what is good and what does HE requires from us. (His children)

  • Right Decision
  • Without Favoritism
  • Not based on feeling but of what is true
  • God loves everyone
  • Let us put this love in our hearts
  • Let us all cherish this love

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    “PEACE ON EARTH” LUKE 2: 1-15

    0 comments Posted by Unknown at 15:33
    PEACE ON EARTH As we hear so often at Christmas, the beginning of Christ earthly life was herald by angels who announce peace on earth. There never be peace on earth, in the sense we think of it. Wars and rumors of wars have characterized the entire two millennia since that first Christmas, and all the time before it. Matt. 24:6. The proclamation of peace on earth was a two points proclamation.

    ISAIAH 9:6-7
    • He is the PRINCE of PEACE.
    • Of the increase of His government and PEACE there will no end.
    LUKE 2:14
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    “LIVE BY THE HOLY SPIRIT” Galatians 5:16-26

    0 comments Posted by Unknown at 15:08
    Every believers of Christ, is an active soldier of his command, while we are on earth we engage into the warfare against the principalities and powers in the air (Eph.6:12). So, the Lord is commanding / reminding us through Apostle Paul, TO LIVE BY THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD.

    a. Fulfill means – To perform to execute to complete.
    b. Desire means – Longing, craving.
    c. Flesh means – Denotes mere human nature, the earthly nature of man.
    The sensuous nature of Man “ the animal nature”

    a. For the sinful nature (flesh) desires what is contrary to the spirit.
    b. And the spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature ( flesh).
    c. They are in conflict to each other.

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    “BE A WISE” PROVERBS 6:6-11, 29:25

    0 comments Posted by Unknown at 14:57
    BE A WISE Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and be wise! Even though they have no prince, governor, or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter.

    Proverbs 6:6-8
    I find myself watching ants even when I was a child, i am truly trying to learn from these amazing small creatures. I love the aspect of God's character where He uses the seemingly foolish things to shame or challenge those who think themselves wise.
    Ant Facts:
    An ant's brain may have the same processing power as a Macintosh II computer. Thousands of years ago, King Solomon wrote: "Go to the ant, consider its ways and be wise". There are over 10000 known species of ants. Some ants sleep seven hours a day! Ants can lift 20 times their own body weight. An ant brain has about 250 000 brain cells. A human brain has 10,000 million so a colony of 40,000 ants has collectively the same size brain as a human. The abdomen of the ant contains two stomachs.
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    “LIVING TO PLEASED GOD” 1 Thes. 4:1

    0 comments Posted by Unknown at 14:54
    There is no other creation in this WORLD that can give true JOY, HAPPINESS, GLORY to our GOD. Only HUMAN, because we are the creation, created in the IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD. Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians instructed us how to live in order to please God.

    Ch. 3:12 May the Lord make your LOVE increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.
    a. LOVE increase- our love should grow in dealing with each other.
    b. LOVE overflow- lets allow our love to reach out to the others and to everyone else.

    Ch. 4:3 It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality.
    SANCTIFIED- hagiasmos gk. Means:
    a. CONSECRATED- we are for God
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    0 comments Posted by Unknown at 14:39
    Giving thanks is an attitude, a natural part of a Christian character not only for thanksgiving days It is a way of life for believers 3 things: (We should remember in giving thanks)
    1. Is appropriate in every occasion
    • Giving thanks in everything (1 Thess. 5:18) In every circumstance Not everything that happens is Good BUT God uses everything that happens for our good (Rom. 8:28) Sometimes we don’t know whether something is good or bad… but we can be thankful… God is working for our Good in everything!
    3 things: (We should remember in giving thanks)
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    0 comments Posted by Unknown at 14:35

    When ever the Lord assigns a difficult task, He gives us what we need/tools to carry it out.
    • Son of Nun
    • Moses successor
    • Means “the Lord saves”
    • Intimate, faithful assistant of Moses
    • He led the Israelites to the promised land (Canaan – Palestine) for about 25 years
    • “A man in whom the spirit of God dwells”
    What are these tools … god gave Joshua/us? …
    I. His Part
    a. (v.5)
    “ I will be with you” “ I will never leave you nor forsake you”
    Matthew 28:20
    Hebrews 13:5b
    b. (v.9)
    “For the Lord God will be with you wherever you go”
     Ii. our Part
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    Thursday, 6 March 2014


    0 comments Posted by Unknown at 07:53
    A recent Harris Poll asked many Americans to name what they considered most important in life. These are the responses.
      1. MONEY 5%
      2. RELIGIOUS FAITH 21%
      4. RELATIONSHIPS 56%
      5. MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE 12%             
    A successful marriage depends upon the RELATIONSHIPS between husband and wife. A happy home depends upon the RELATIONSHIPS between the parents and the children ( and between siblings). A prosperous business depends upon the RELATIONSHIPS between the employees and costumers. A peaceful community depends upon the RELATIONSHIPS between neighbors.
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    The Publisher's Corner

    "The publisher of this blog is a member of the "Buhangin Foursquare Gospel Church". This web blog is an official publishing site of this church. We wish to dedicate faithfully this site through the presence of the Holy Spirit and the good news that Jesus Told us to deliver it in the whole world as part of our great commission.We thank you for your all support and first to our Holy Father of all the times that He give us and the wisdom and love dwell in our heart."

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