Giving thanks is an attitude, a natural part of a Christian character not only for thanksgiving days It is a way of life for believers 3 things: (We should remember in giving thanks)
- Giving thanks in everything (1 Thess. 5:18) In every circumstance Not everything that happens is Good BUT God uses everything that happens for our good (Rom. 8:28) Sometimes we don’t know whether something is good or bad… but we can be thankful… God is working for our Good in everything!
2. Should abound naturally in the life of a growing Christian
- Is a natural response to the grace and goodness of a great & wonderful God who cares & provides
- Should overflow in the life of a Christian (Col. 3:17)
- Key to contentment & wholeness for a Christian is learning how to express thanks
- Not complaining, criticizing, grumbling (signs of ungrateful hearts)
- If God uses everything for our good.. Can we not be thankful?
- When trials comes & work for our Spiritual maturity… Can we not count it all joy?
Giving thanks … is everyday! “A thankful spirit is one of the key distinguishing marks of a Growing Christian”
It sets us apart from the world
It makes us different
“Let’s express a GENUINE ATTITUDE that springs from a life of GIVING THANKS to God!”