Monday, 5 May 2014

Abraham, “The Father/Man of Faith”

Posted by Unknown at 22:37
Abraham offered Isaac to God:
Genesis 22: 1-19
We all know that in the Bible, God created a man whose faith was created to Him. Abraham called by God for His righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ who believe. Abraham was one hundred years of age and Sarah was ninety years old. Yet, God promise through His words that Sarah becomes pregnant even if she already in menopause. But God promise that Abraham’s offspring's were many as the stars in the sky. Abraham holds that faith, even Sarah laugh when she heard that she bore a child in short, she is doubtful. But Abraham was not affected when his wife Sarah laughs for her unbelief’s. But Sarah did not wait what God’s promise. She tell Abraham that we can’t wait we are old already, that’s why we can have a baby through my helper Hagar. So, later Ishmael came. Abraham was glad that he has already had a son. But that is not a promise of God. When Sarah is already pregnant, that is God’s promise for them.

When Isaac came there is already a rivalry. That’s why Sarah sent out Hagar to the desert. When Isaac was already seven, God called Abraham in His dream to offer his son as a sacrifice in Mount Moriah. God tested Abraham. For his own son to offer a sacrifice but Abraham did not hesitate to obey, because he knew that God will grant Him another son,
for God gives and God takes away, he follow the Lord and offer Isaac. Isaac asked his father where the lamb was for the sacrifice, and Abraham answered that the Lord would provide the Lamb. Saddened and confused, Abraham bound Isaac with ropes and placed him on the stone altar. Just as Abraham raised the knife to slay his son, the angel of the Lord called out to Abraham to stop and not harm the boy. The angel said he knew that Abraham feared the Lord because he had not withheld his only son. When Abraham looked up, he saw a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. He sacrificed the animal, provided by God, instead of his son.

That’s why until now Abraham called the place, the Lord will provide. And the Angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time. Swear to Abraham that the offspring of Isaac will be blessed because he obeyed the Lord. The sacrifice of Isaac put Abraham to his most agonizing testing, a trial which he passed completely because of his total faith in God. God had earlier promised Abraham that he would make a great nation of him through Isaac., which forced Abraham to either trust God with what mattered most to him or to distrust God. Abraham chose to trust and obey. This incident foreshadows God’s sacrifice of his only son, Jesus Christ, on the cross at Calvary, for the sin of the world. God’s great love required of himself what he did not required of Abraham.       

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