Saturday, 26 April 2014

"Living By Faith"- 2 Corinthians 5:7

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 07:11
worship by faith
The Holy Scriptures define faith as follows: “now, faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Therefore, people are confident and certain that what they hope for, although unseen, it is this faith in God’s eternal promises that pushes people forward amid uncertainties. It is what binds them together in spite of their diverse races and cultures. It inspires people people to upload their sacred calling and elections amid sufferings in order to receive the rich rewards that God promises; thus, one of the commandments in order to safeguard salvation is: you shall not lose faith.

The sure word of prophecy recorded in the bible is the foundation of our faith. And if you have full confidence in God and his promises. This is enough to sustain and remain even in the darkest of the moment. However, because of faith in God people triumphed over tremendous odds: endured ridicule and harassment; they never give up. As other says “Fought the good fight, finish the race and kept the faith.”

Indeed, we must live by faith, just like God’s servants of God who also proved the effectiveness and power of faith. Faith also reminds us to give outmost importance to congressional service where we can find God and commune with Him. Who will know, next month or next year. You will suffer problems and trials that will challenge your faith. We must put our trust in God. God says, “I will save those who love me and will protect those who know me as a Lord. When they call to me, I will answer them. When they are in trouble, I will be with them. I will rescue them. I will reward them with long life: I will save them.
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Tuesday, 22 April 2014


0 comments Posted by Unknown at 14:55
Christ: The Pattern Prophet
One of the ministries that mention by the book of Ephesians 4:11-13 is the Prophet. The second of the five- fold ministries being mention by Paul to the Ephesians. This ministry is very necessary to bring a church into maturity as a body of Jesus Christ.Even though some of the churches today have not matured beyond certain stage of growth. Because they recognize only two or three of the five ministries, the Evangelist and Pastors and sometimes the teachers. But this is not a position or a hierarchy of a position.But the ultimate goal, aim or purpose of all ministries is not for self glory, or to magnify a human in any way. But to place, to position, and functioning to edify and buildup the Body of Jesus Christ.
But the ministry of the prophet is not well understood by the church today.Prophets has a very special place,functions, and purpose of the Body of Christ. It needs our attention or it needs us to receive. The Prophet is the one who strongly spoke for God in a very intellectual way, by spiritual way or spoke the very words of God. The priest came to God in behaft of the people. But the prophets came along in a certain place or this world in the haft of God.Numbers 12:6 (KJV), He said,“Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you,I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision;I speak to him in a dream.”
The Prophets itself has at least three levels of prophecy being told by the Holy Bible. Each of this levels has a very special place and purpose to maintain the purpose of its ministry.
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"The publisher of this blog is a member of the "Buhangin Foursquare Gospel Church". This web blog is an official publishing site of this church. We wish to dedicate faithfully this site through the presence of the Holy Spirit and the good news that Jesus Told us to deliver it in the whole world as part of our great commission.We thank you for your all support and first to our Holy Father of all the times that He give us and the wisdom and love dwell in our heart."

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