Saturday, 15 March 2014

“The Holiness of the Word of God in the Bible”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 02:25
The Holy Bible is a light of us
 "We believe that the bible is the Word of God, perfect, with no mistakes; that God told certain men thousands of years ago what to write in it; that it is there to help us and to show everybody Jesus- the Son of God, the Savior of mankind; that it tells people how to live and be saved.”

We believe that the Word of God is forever and ever, nothing happen on this world without the Gods mighty and His Words written on the Bible even this world will vanish but the Word of God remain everlasting in every mankind born in all centuries. Precisely all written in the Bible as Word of God told us with no mistakes, perfect and never told mistakes. But mankind the people of God misleading it and become unthoughtful beyond dishonesty to his faith and abandoned Jesus Christ Words unveiling the salvation in every mankind. Nothing owes to take, but living this world without the Word of God, it’s just a morning star without its fashion. And lives become no meaning in this world and the evilness much dwelling in every heart of God’s people. The Words of the Bible that dwelt in our heart, guide and teach us in everlasting life that we oath to live with the presence of our Holy Father and That Jesus Christ.
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“The Great Commission”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 02:09
Jesus our God Commission us
Then Jesus came to them and said,“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…”

Jesus spoke with all authority when He commission His disciples to continue the task in spreading the Good News of salvation to all nations.The scope is so enormous and difficult mainly because of their small number but with diligence and passion,they all obeyed amidst the persecution.

As they receive the promised anointing of the Holy Spirit,they all spoke with boldness and many people were saved.Just imagine the perimeter of their influence but the Power of God’s Word changes lives and the effect was overwhelming that even Paul,the great persecutor of Christians was transformed by God Himself and became the great evangelist who selflessly risked his life in spreading the gospel to all people.

Those were centuries ago,they all have died and went with the lord but the message continues to touch generations.The obedient men and women grasped the seriousness of God’s great commission and went their way to the different parts of the world which eventually reach you and me.
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Friday, 14 March 2014

POST – MALAYAN CALENDAR: “The Doorstep To Scripture’s Revelation”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 13:27
The Book of Revelation
Natural Disaster Phenomena- An earth’s wash up or a soul’s sign up…” –
Fabian C. Badiang
Astronomers and natural scientists predicted calamities through trendsetting and site eventual recurrence. Prophets and worshipers prophesized consequences as God’s will.

Global Warming and Climate change entailed traumatic scenarios and nightmare amid the struggling life of every Filipino to work hard for starvation, and remained in a parlance to socio-economic recovery. Environmental degradation became a product of human error on over- exploitation to nature. As multiplier effects – heat waves, storms, flashfloods, earthquakes, droughts and fire have triggered serious and direct impacts to health and human lives.
The increase in mortality rate and morbidity due to water-borne diseases, air pollution, respiratory and cardio- vascular illness that resulted to death became a trending feature as per World Health Organization (WHO) SURVEY.
Environmentalist, medical technologies, and health practitioners exerted joint innovative efforts that tend to mitigate the tremendous and indispensable effects and promote adaptive measures that would directly address the development process towards the enhancement of ecology as a renewed niche for the future generation in a real sustainable manner.
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The God’s Love Us

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 13:09

Jesus Teach Us About Love
The greatest loves of God knocks us in our heart, his voices speed up and impulses through all our body and call us to follow him and love him with all his heart and with all our soul. Love God means loves our neighbor, our family and our nations. To love God is to love our life our soul, God call us in His paradise home He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love)

All of us know God at all; Jesus Christ is our God the redeemer of our sin. Because of His great love to the God’s people He died of the cross. We believe that God will back soon just like a thief that everyone of us cannot notice and that of His second coming. All the signs are vivid and clear that where living in the last days. Everyone of us even child know God, but other of our brethren know only God. But a sign of loving God of their lives is nothing envy of their heart as we love our neighbor.

We know and heard around us, war of the country versus other country. People will suffer more inevitable. There is no love if we mind it and people of God will suffer of loose and lives. The command of God to Love our neighbor is nothing if it will happen. If we thought thoroughly, and thinkable not unthinkable that this is a command of God to love our brethren. Because we are all son of God (MARK 12:30-31) and we are all brothers and sisters of the family of God. This is the weighable command that intensely etch, faith, hope, love, but the greatest denomination of this is Love. First Corinthians 13: 13 says, “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is Love”. Because, If there is love of everyone of us, there’s always hope and faith, and if there always hope, everyone of us will stand for faith that God bless us with peace in our entire family and in the whole world, 1 John 5: 3 says, “For this is Love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome”.

And yet Love is always in the heart of God, servant of God and that we claim as son of God. And never feel heavy loads and keep the commandments of the Holy Father and keep always the command Love. And that’s precisely bearing fruits of love, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-6, says “Love suffers long and is kind; Love does not envy; Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; Does not behave rudely, does not seek his own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth”. And that’s bearing fruits if Love within our heart and desired every one of us and in our whole life. Because Love will change us entirely if we Love Jesus Christ our Holy Father.

Let us ask our Holy Father to help us always that our life and heart filled always the word of God. And that Loves is always within us from the heart of Jesus. Because Love from our Holy Father there is nothing to fade compare the Love of worldly thing that would vanish of time. Because of love of the material world, Satan always whispering in our heart that other of our brethren they simply kill his brethren because of position and all lust. We are bound to abide the command even we have a strong faith but our heart is empty of the Love of God is nothing points of the eyes of God.

We are bound to follow this Gods command. And I know we are in the world of sinners and also we possibly bound in it because of our wickedness. Material things of this world surround us and nothing is perfected and nobody is perfect only God. But of this world we soaked to this but changes bound always and we must prepare and ready to receive the full transformation. God has always purpose everyone of us, if you’re loitered think you must stand up and bring yourself in the midst of the Love of God. God’s Love is perfect and everyone of us is the perfect target.
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Monday, 10 March 2014


0 comments Posted by Unknown at 12:11
Genesis 1:27. As son of God, one of our rights is to ask our Holy Father what we need, because where needy at all times in this earth as we live with the presence of our Holy Father. Like our earthly father, we’re such a childlike to ask what we need, such as a special attention and love. The moment we ask we need to ask this clearly and faithfully before any our hope that we will answered. Honest to our deeds and clearly doing this with obedience and clean infront of our Holy Father.
Every individual or human being has a unique principles and pattern of prayer. I concluded “every individual because where all son of God, where are created like His own image,
The preceding line below will help us and guide us How to pray clearly and our words is clear and honest to our Heavenly Father:

  1. BECOME SILENT- Mateo 6:6 this is not mean locking ourselves inside our bedrooms or sent ourselves in the middle of the wilderness. But its upon us, it said that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, we can pray always. But the valuable prayer is includes our mind. Get free of destructions so you can focus. Meditate and listen the whisper of the Holy Spirit and ask to help yourselves with your prayer and get your mind, and body in the unity of the Holy Father Psa 46:10.
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The Publisher's Corner

"The publisher of this blog is a member of the "Buhangin Foursquare Gospel Church". This web blog is an official publishing site of this church. We wish to dedicate faithfully this site through the presence of the Holy Spirit and the good news that Jesus Told us to deliver it in the whole world as part of our great commission.We thank you for your all support and first to our Holy Father of all the times that He give us and the wisdom and love dwell in our heart."

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