When ever the Lord assigns a difficult task, He gives us what we need/tools to carry it out.
I. His Part
a. (v.5)
“ I will be with you” “ I will never leave you nor forsake you”
Matthew 28:20
Hebrews 13:5b
b. (v.9)
“For the Lord God will be with you wherever you go”
Ii. our Part
a. (v.6) Be strong and courageous (v.7) Be strong and very courageous (v.8) Be strong and courageous Do not be terrified Do not be discouraged a. (v.7) Be careful to obey the law (v.8) Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth
“Book of the Law”
Joshua was to be faithful to God’s
word by:
1. talking about it (Deut. 6:8)
2. meditate on it (Psalm 1:2;199:87)
3. obeying it fully (Ezra 7:10;James 1:22-25)
If God has given us some special work to do that frighten us? it’s our responsibility to ACT on it. It’s up to the Lord to SEE US THROUGH' “As we faithfully DO OUR PART, He is MORE THAN FAITHFUL to do His part” QUOTE: “Where God guides…He provides”
Our Faithfulness
When ever the Lord assigns a difficult task, He gives us what we need/tools to carry it out.
- Son of Nun
- Moses successor
- Means “the Lord saves”
- Intimate, faithful assistant of Moses
- He led the Israelites to the promised land (Canaan – Palestine) for about 25 years
- “A man in whom the spirit of God dwells”
I. His Part
a. (v.5)
“ I will be with you” “ I will never leave you nor forsake you”
Matthew 28:20
Hebrews 13:5b
b. (v.9)
“For the Lord God will be with you wherever you go”
Ii. our Part
a. (v.6) Be strong and courageous (v.7) Be strong and very courageous (v.8) Be strong and courageous Do not be terrified Do not be discouraged a. (v.7) Be careful to obey the law (v.8) Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth
“Book of the Law”
Joshua was to be faithful to God’s
word by:
1. talking about it (Deut. 6:8)
2. meditate on it (Psalm 1:2;199:87)
3. obeying it fully (Ezra 7:10;James 1:22-25)
If God has given us some special work to do that frighten us? it’s our responsibility to ACT on it. It’s up to the Lord to SEE US THROUGH' “As we faithfully DO OUR PART, He is MORE THAN FAITHFUL to do His part” QUOTE: “Where God guides…He provides”