Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Significant Message Of All Time “107312”

Posted by Unknown at 10:26
Double Bladed Sword Of The Holy
Spirit That Will Guard Us: 
“To foretell visions in the coming days, years, and the entire generations, is such a letter sealed inside an empty bottle that thrown in the middle of a depth seas, until we pass away and the next generations will tells the truth that God give wonder in heaven and Earth”

The numbers you see on the top or the title of this post is so confuse to all, especially this numbers is seldom you see that we don’t always encounter in our daily lives. I hope in the day that you will read this post, your heart and mind is open to receive this and accept the day that we exist in this generation and the day the Lord reign. Don’t be afraid for tomorrows came, next year, we’re lucky that we receive this message and heartily you accept that we’re the peoples of God.

I decided to publish this, because I noticed that this is a signs that I received through dreams. Even I knew that it will creates confusions and to my personality. But this is truth, this is not my own message, I’m only the deliverer of this message that relates to the dates and the pages foretold by the other writers through the Holy Bible. And the pages of the websites that telling the pass events of the Jerusalem and Israel and the numbers describes of the United Nations Resolution number and the websites of the Internet that talk about the Lunar and solar eclipse next year on the Holy Day of the celebration of Passover and Sukkot of Israel. This is the future of the Israel, the place that the Lord Jesus Christ was born.

And these are the recognition of the numbers that I saw and receive of my dreams:

“I give 10 Pesos money to the driver of the single motor cycle that I was riding, suppose that the fare of the tricycle is 7 pesos; he give the change 3 pesos. But suddenly, I drop the 1 peso; the remaining money of my hand is only 2 pesos.” "But before I ride the motor cycle, the reason is, I came from the dreams that I was afraid, I was in the landscape that the environment is just like an ICE place, I afraid because I saw the like sharp ice on the top and the form is like a sword, that drops in the middle of the light curve road, that the vehicles was fallen and crash with the ice. But when I arrive where I drop by the motorcycle, when I got inside the like hut or a shack I saw a big people that have a round and big eyes surrounded me in that hut and they like to carry me outside."

I just focused to the numbers I’ve recognized, the 10 pesos and 7 pesos, I know is the base or surely the constants, but either 3,2,1 also. The formation of the numbers should like this;107321, but because the number 1 and 3 is just like this also; 3 and 1 could be 4, so the formation of the numbers just like this; 1073214, but another numbers 3 and 2 could be 5; so the formation of the numbers are 10732145. The pictures of lunar eclipse that I was read described by NASA, I saw the numbers on the top right side corner written their -1070,-1071, -1072, and the lunar tables that I read, it’s exact to the numbers, if I’m not wrong. And because of this, I’ve started to recognize also the day of the Holy celebration of the Israel next year. That will fall and start on the date of April 15, 2014 and will repeat on the year 2015, it is exact formation of the numbers, because April is 4th Month of the year 2014; or just like this; 04152014 if you rumble the numbers in another order that will results the same numbers that I saw and received.

If you understand what I told in this post, I tell only the truth that I carried that I will deliver through the evolutions that we have, the evolution of Internet through communication and information that we have now in this generation. I told this because this is very true, I hope this numbers could not panic us and I hope you will respect this and please don’t use these numbers in other way. These numbers are not numbers we think right away in the moment of time, but this numbers is delivers us by the Holy Spirit. This is important to us to remind us that our God is alive and He will come back and the unification of our Faith. On that day was Jesus Christ leaved us, because He went in the Heaven to make ready our room in the House of the Holy Father. But when the time came that He will comeback we’re divided in different principles of Faith, the principles that we don’t know where the exact and correct are, but all is about our Faith of God our Love of God. The day God will came back and heard, “Come and I will tell you who you are”.

The relation of this post is merely the answer of the “The Sign Numbers 1070, 1071, 1072,1073,1074,1075 for 2014 and 2015”. I have no power and wisdom to overtake the wisdom of God. But through Him I hope He permitted me to tell what I learned because He delivers this message and no other declaration where this message came from but to our Almighty One, Our God. This signs have a two faces that what I saw. First event is I saw like a very fast transportation vehicle moving toward a curve way and the other is like a balloon that have a cross like in the middle of the mouth of a circle. And the environment that I was there is like an icy place just like surrounded a white or a white place.

Until I learned and heard that this coming year there will be a fastest moving transportation vehicle that will be put-up in the coming years called the Hyperloop. This vehicle according to the other author is just like as fast as the speed of sound. And the other way is the grand cross that we will seen in the sky during the blood moon in the coming lunar eclipse and Sukkoth of the Israel, could be next year and the following years until the celebration of the Jubilee Year.

But I run out because of fear when I was saw that there will be a falling of like an icy bundle toward this thing I mention. That’s why the other faces are because I rode the single motor until I arrived in a Hut. There I paid a transport fare and these are the numbers 107312 that vividly I recognized even until I woke up. But the thing that I was saw that I said "Jesus Christ" because I saw Giant Persons, they are not one but more they tried me to pullout in that Hut.

Why I said this numbers is significant? I truly amazed with this because the thing that I saw I tried to forget it. But the more that I tried to forget, will give signs that other people I meet will tell also about related data of what I saw. And that’s the thing that I pursued to study and learn this signs what I called “significant number 107312”.

Also during the first time when I decided to study this, I use the Google search engine bar to search whether this numbers is a date or a past year. This is the most unthinkable of my mine because this is like a formation format of a date and time. But the search engine bar give links when I transform this numbers to 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075. And the link came from NASA website which published the numbers of the pictures of the Lunar. That written there Sukkoth with the numbers 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075. And the other link is the United Nations Regulation Number 1070 and this about the Israel. I really surprised because through this I learn that there will be a big happening of the coming year and this I called “The Days of the Lord, and I learned that Jesus Christ our Lord died in the day of Passover”

And because I'm newly birth of my Faith towards God and burn my eagerness to know more about this. I read the bibles and I basing the page numbers begin in 1070. And it tells all about the Israel until I arrived in one of the Christian author. And that I learned the OT book of Ezekiel 4:4-6 (KJV), “Three Hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.” The numbers that God Give punishment of Israel is 390 days and according to 2 Peter 3:8, “One days is like a thousand of years”. And Daniel 9:24-27, “Seventy Weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish transgressions”, verse 27, “and He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week”. And these are what I calculated a simple calculation:

390- days according to Prophet Ezekiel, x 7- according to Prophet Daniel and it Equals to 2730- this is the numbers of years until Jesus Christ reign and this numbers are present in the numbers what I saw and recognized.

Now another what I recognized through that Christian author, when I search the other formation of the numbers I arrived in the numbers 721 B.C., if you read the history of the bible, this is the year where the Israelite captured by the Assyria.

So now if I minus the 2730 A.D to 721 B.C. it will results to 2009 A.D. and we will add 1 year because we are no zero year. So it will equal to 2010 A.D. then we will add the 7 years according to Prophet Daniel. And it will total all of 2017 years.

And what is this 2017 years, this is very significant because this is the second JUBILEE YEAR or the Sabbatical Year. And 1072 is 2017.

If this years and the coming year is the Day of the Lord our Almighty One God. There are physical signs that we saw and experience until to the days that our redeemer will came back of His second coming. It is told that we well experience war, flood, earthquake the most destructible happenings in this earth that were Alien here. But no other answers except God and Lets pray the salvation of our faith and the future of Israel.

“Godbless Us All”

The faith of the “Yolanda” is a prophetic event it is being told by one of the Prophet in a very exact and complete way. It is exactly happened, thousands was died. But before the Yolanda I studied the message what I saw, because I confuse why other people also has the same discussion, but has different event they saw. Other saw an exact date but me saw a formation of a numbers. Just try to read this article from other writer:September 13, 2015, A Reoccurring Dream. After the “Yolanda”, of what I being told to my self and to the people I know that he maybe listen to me, “Calamity Will Come”. One of my friend also a Christian told me that the numbers I saw is the number of destructions. And that is, it has a relation of what I saw in that dreams that have a different faces. Before I recognize the number I saw, white place is just like ICE place, above its a sharp like sword ice, a train, white road, or light road, above like a circle form, the motorcycle, the driver, the coins 10 pesos is my coin money, 7 is the fare,  3 is the change of ten pesos, 1 is the 1 peso I drop, 2 peso is the coin left in my hands, the things inside the hut and the hut, then the big black men that have a big eyes that afterwards they will become more than one and force to hold my hand and tried me to fullout me that even I rebuke by the name of “Jesus Christ” they not afraid.

Now, I just tried to calculate and analyze the date of Yolanda in the first day, this is the result and I found this number 11 07 13 or November 7, 2013 and also I found the speed 320 kph. The exact formation of the number 1 0 7 3 1 2= 11 07 13, the date, and 320 is the speed. Now I don’t violate what said of the Bible told that, “Only God knows the date”. Because I only knew the date after it was happened. And now the Malaysian Jet Liner that vanished is the flight MH-370 Boeing 777, Date: 03 08 14 at 0120 hours, 12 crew and 227 passengers. And the Sewol Ferry that have a 7,000 tons, and the confirm dead is 171. And all about the nearest is the body number, speed, weight, and the numbers counts of load that losses, such as the passengers.

Through this number 107312 I arrive of the sequence of the numbers from 1000, 1001,1002,1003 up to 2017. It’s I realized that if I can count the 2017 years using the calculation I stated above how about the year that start with the year 1000. And now I research and study this, the result is United States of America Christening the New Battleship Zumwalt-class destroyer. And why I recognized this because of the body plate (DDG-1000) and the remaining other two battleship that under build the USS Michael Monsoor DDG-1001 and USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002). This battleship is the most advance battleship that ever built and this prepareably for war and remember this is called Destroyer. And I personally called this battleship 1000, 1002, 1003,1004,1005,1006, and 1007. They reduce the buildup of this battleship to 7 and remember there are 7 continents the Earth have. And one of the battleship will be assign in Asia.

We commanded by our God to live in a normal life even in the outmost of the happenings around us. Is this a coincidence? or a sign that God will come in the second time of this Earth. And you are the master of yourself by faith, the importance we’re ready and take the salvation and ask the forgiveness of our sin and receive Jesus wholeheartedly in our life. “The Passover Is A Great Memorable Day, Because Jesus Christ Died Of The Cross Because Of Our Sin”

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