Sunday, 27 April 2014

For God Is Love-“1 John 4:8”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 23:04
The Good Samaritan:

The greatest loves of God knocks us in our heart, his voices speed up and impulses through all our body and call us to follow him and love him with all his heart and with all our soul. Love God means loves our neighbor, our family and our nations. To love God is to love our life our soul, God call us in His paradise home(1 JOHN 4:8 He that loveth not, knoweth not God; for God is love)

All of us know God at all; Jesus Christ is our God the redeemer of our sin. Because of His great love to the God’s people He died of the cross. We believe that God will back soon just like a thief that everyone of us cannot notice and that of His second coming. All the signs are vivid and clear that where living in the last days. Everyone of us even child know God, but other of our brethren know only God. But a sign of loving God of their lives is nothing envy of their heart as we love our neighbor.

We know and heard around us, war of the country versus other country. People will suffer more inevitable. There is no love if we mind it and people of God will suffer of loose and lives. The command of God to Love our neighbor is nothing if it will happen. If we thought thoroughly, and thinkable not unthinkable that this is a command of God to love our brethren. Because we are all son of God (MARK 12:30-31) and we are all brothers and sisters of the family of God.
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0 comments Posted by Unknown at 22:50
Holy Bible
The Good News Of Us "Holy Bible"

We believe that the bible is the Word of God, perfect, with no mistakes; that God told certain men thousands of years ago what to write in it; that it is there to help us and to show everybody Jesus- the Son of God, the Savior of mankind; that it tells people how to live and be saved.”

We believe that the Word of God is forever and ever, nothing happen on this world without the Gods mighty and His Words written on the Bible even this world will vanish but the Word of God remain everlasting in every mankind born in all centuries. Precisely all written in the Bible as Word of God told us with no mistakes, perfect and never told mistakes. But mankind the people of God misleading it and become unthoughtful beyond dishonesty to his faith and abandoned Jesus Christ Words unveiling the salvation in every mankind. Nothing owes to take, but living this world without the Word of God, it’s just a morning star without its fashion. And lives become no meaning in this world and the evilness much dwelling in every heart of God’s people. The Words of the Bible that dwelt in our heart, guide and teach us in everlasting life that we oath to live with the presence of our Holy Father and That Jesus Christ.
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Jesus Christ Died In The Day Of Passover, Why?

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 10:41
Jesus Christ same As Lamp
Jesus Christ Is The Lamp:

The celebration of the faith of holy week has been started this evening. Many of the faithful followers of God start the church activities and one of that is the prayer and fasting for the Christians. And the catholic churches prepare for the holy masses of the last word of Jesus Christ when He is in the cross before he died. The reminiscence of Jesus Christ died of the cross because of our sin. God himselves gave his beloved son to set free from the sin of the world. And we the people had sin to our God. And God the father forgive us from the sin of the world and that Jesus Christ who forgive us.

And that looking back, there is no repentance as we notice of this world of new generation. Although many son of God and the people himself belief the word of God. Faithfulness is the foundation of all but many of us have no repentance and always soak his life from the sin of this world. Neglecting the presence of God and always raise upon his life of the things that we have now. That lighted up in our way that causes our sin. But upon the knowledge, wisdom, and the teaching of God never exist and we do always nothing happen.
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The Significant Message Of All Time “107312”

0 comments Posted by Unknown at 10:26
Double Bladed Sword Of The Holy
Spirit That Will Guard Us: 
“To foretell visions in the coming days, years, and the entire generations, is such a letter sealed inside an empty bottle that thrown in the middle of a depth seas, until we pass away and the next generations will tells the truth that God give wonder in heaven and Earth”

The numbers you see on the top or the title of this post is so confuse to all, especially this numbers is seldom you see that we don’t always encounter in our daily lives. I hope in the day that you will read this post, your heart and mind is open to receive this and accept the day that we exist in this generation and the day the Lord reign. Don’t be afraid for tomorrows came, next year, we’re lucky that we receive this message and heartily you accept that we’re the peoples of God.

I decided to publish this, because I noticed that this is a signs that I received through dreams. Even I knew that it will creates confusions and to my personality. But this is truth, this is not my own message, I’m only the deliverer of this message that relates to the dates and the pages foretold by the other writers through the Holy Bible. And the pages of the websites that telling the pass events of the Jerusalem and Israel and the numbers describes of the United Nations Resolution number and the websites of the Internet that talk about the Lunar and solar eclipse next year on the Holy Day of the celebration of Passover and Sukkot of Israel. This is the future of the Israel, the place that the Lord Jesus Christ was born.
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The Publisher's Corner

"The publisher of this blog is a member of the "Buhangin Foursquare Gospel Church". This web blog is an official publishing site of this church. We wish to dedicate faithfully this site through the presence of the Holy Spirit and the good news that Jesus Told us to deliver it in the whole world as part of our great commission.We thank you for your all support and first to our Holy Father of all the times that He give us and the wisdom and love dwell in our heart."

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