The Preacher Of the Holy Bible: |
It is essential that a preacher should be well acquainted with the book from which he preaches. In order to teach mathematics, one must know mathematics. What would you think of a “music teacher” who did not know English? He who called to preach the Bible, is also called to study the Bible, for there cannot be one without the other: the first necessitates the last. Like David, each preacher should be able to testify: “Oh, how love I Thy Law!” (Ps. 119:97).
The preacher should be acquainted with the Bible as a whole, and this can only be accomplished by reading the Bible from cover to cover. The entire Bible can be read in fifty-four hours, reading three chapters of the Old Testament in the morning, and two chapters of the new Testament each night, the Old Testament can be read once a year, and the New Testament twice a year. Surely this is not too big a price to pay for a working knowledge of this book of books.
“There is no royal or easy road to acknowledge. It comes through persistent and painstaking study. Someone has said that “Study consist of the application of the seat of the chair, until such time as the subject has been mastered!” It is the maintenance of this point of contact that calls for earnest and self denying determination.
It is one thing to read, or to hear, or to talk about study; but as entirely different thing to do it and more difficult still, to keep on doing it, but this is the only way a subject can be mastered.
“Do you remember the day you started learning to read? You had a hard time, didn't you? At first you know nothing about reading. Then you were taught to read the first letters of the alphabet. Soon you could read a word then a sentence. Step by step you learned to read, until now it is very natural thing.
Perhaps you remember also the time when you were being trained for your job. You did not learn everything in one day. You learned a little at a time, and you put into practice what you learned, until finally you were able to do your work well.
It is the same in your Christian witnessing. There is much to learn as you go on sharing Christ with others. It is true that Jesus sent His disciples into the whole world to spread the good news. But He also told them to wait until they were fully prepared. And this preparation takes time.
The disciples also had their time of schooling. And this learning time was the key secret of their success in spreading the good news about Christ, their Lord. There is no doubt in my mind that from the day Christ called His disciples, they believed in Him. It just takes a moment to believe in Jesus and to accept Him. But just as a baby cannot grow up and walk in one day, it took the disciples a long time to learn to know Jesus. It look all of their lives.
Jesus said “Who will go for me? Who will tell the unbeliever of my sacrifice for Him?Who will be my feet, to walk and my mouth to speak?
The command of Jesus was not given to just one nation. It was given to the whole world. It was to all nations. It was to include the end of the earth. The task Jesus gave us certainly is not small. It is greater than we can even imagine. There is a need for workers everywhere.
Bible School is needed to train up workers. A worker with Vision, Responsible, Committed and Powerful.
Matt. 9:37- When Jesus spoke to His Disciples about the Greatness of the Task, he compared it to a very large ripe for harvest: But He added that the worker are few.
“Reaching The End of the Earth”
“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24)
Serve God